Games begin at 6:30 p.m. sharp on all courts, however, teams should be allowed a fifteen minute grace period. If the team is not there (for example, by 6:45 p.m.) and unable to begin play it will forfeit the game. The forfeiting score will be marked as a 16-0 loss (men) or an 11-0 loss (women).
At least two players from any team must be present to play a game; otherwise it is considered a forfeit. If playing with two players, your team will play with five balls the entire game, while the team with three players will play with the normal six balls.
Each team must evenly distribute the number of balls each player throws. For example, if a team has three players, each player must throw two balls. If a team has two players, the MAXIMUM number of balls per player is three.
If a third player arrives after the start of a game, he or she is permitted to join play at the start of a new frame, and an additional ball will be added to the team that began shorthanded - three players = six balls, regardless of when the third player arrives.
You cannot have more than three players play in any given frame. You may rotate players in and out of a game provided it is at the beginning of a new frame.
The winner of a rock-paper-scissors match or a coin toss will have the choice to determine which team will throw the bulin to begin the game, and have choice of ball colour.
The bulin must be thrown past the centre line (as marked) and must land before the farthest hash line on the other end (as marked). Each team will get two attempts at throwing the bulin within these parameters; if, after the second attempt, the bulin is still not thrown properly, the opposing team will receive control of the the bulin.
The object of the game is to land the ball closest to the bulin. Once a team reaches the closest (until all balls are played), the other team gets a turn. The game continues until all balls are thrown.
Score is measured by the number of same coloured balls that are closest to the bulin. One point for each same coloured ball closest to the bulin.
If necessary, distance is measured with a measuring tape from the closest edge of the bocce ball to the centre of the bulin.
If, at the end of a frame, the distance measured for both teams is determined to be equal, that frame is considered a tie.
In the case of a tied frame, no points are given to either team and play continues at the opposite end of the court with the team winning the previous frame throwing the bulin.
If, during the game the distance is equal and it must be determined who throws the next ball, the team that was closest prior to the last ball thrown is next to throw. Following this if it remains tied, teams alternate until the tie is broken.
It is the responsibility of each team to keep track of their own score, as unanimously decided by the two teams involved. Check your scores at the end of each frame.
If a player throws the wrong coloured ball, it is replaced with the correct colour after the ball comes to rest and play is continued.
If a player throws a ball out of turn and it does NOT hit any balls on the court, the ball is removed from the court and deemed out of play, and the frame is continued. If the out of turn ball hits any other balls, the opponent is awarded two points, the frame is over, and the team that was awarded the two points has control of the bulin to begin the next frame.
If you are a player currently playing in a certain frame, you cannot go to the other end to "coach" your team unless you have already thrown all of your balls.
If any ball exits the court, the ball is not counted in that frame. If the bulin exits the court, the frame is ended and scored as 0-0, and a new frame begins with bulin control staying with the team that had it.
All balls must be thrown with both feet behind the starting line, unless "running to knock out" in which case the ball must be released before the second hash line marker at the starting end.
All final match scores must be registered on the score sheet or in the logbook with a member of the team initialing the score.
Any disputes must be discussed amicably and at the appropriate time so that another team's game is not disrupted. If a committee member is required for assistance with a resolution, please have the courtesy to wait for them to be available so that their game is not disrupted.